Claim: "You can see graphical proof the GHG's are blocking IR radiation in their absorption bands from leaving the earth's atmosphere." He was referring to this PAL-reviewed bs-paper ..
My reply: No such proof exist empirically. All data shows the temperature comes first, CO2 follows. 30% of the IR bypass all CO2 molecules, that means, a half open gate doesn't keep half of the sheep in. Anyway, it is meaningless to say GHG's are warming the atmosphere without saying how it is done, are CO2 producing energy? What is the process you are referring to? Fudge factor? Magic?
Over the last 62 years, 57 million measurements has been performed with weather balloons. That means it is empirically measured. What it shows is that CO2 doesn't stop any radiation from leaving.
If the GHG theory was right, it would mean there would be a layer, a "spot" somewhere where it would be possible to detect changes, let's call it "The hot spot", 8 - 12 km. over Equator 30 south - 30 north. So, what is the temperature in the "The hot spot"?
About -42C. right!? So, let me ask, how can something at minus 42C. warm something warmer? Like the surface of the earth which is, on average, about +14,5C.
If it ain't logic, it ain't science either ..
You're debunked!
Tell me all about how i don't understand science, please ..
Comment, or follow the discussion here .. (Discussion section at the bottom).
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